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Thank You for Sharing
is a heartfelt journey into the ether of understanding exactly what it means to have value—as a man.
Raw, honest, and 100% unfiltered: it’s the ultimate dick-pic of the Black man’s soul.
A long overdue hard look in the mirror; Thank You for Sharing (TYFS) is a
unique, theatrical Kundalinī awakening that dives deep down and inward — cleansing the collective spiritual chakras from the crown to the root. It is a grassroots community outreach program in the form of a touring play and a social media revolution; all aimed at improving black men’s mental health through performance and conversation.
Manifesting ancestors, celebrating blackness, and healing deep scars with gutbusting laughs and soul shattering tears; TYFS is a black mental health experience unlike any other..

"... Jeremy Keith Hunter’s raucously funny and brutally frank interrogation of Black male gender identity and self-esteem. ... This fearless new play, directed by KenYatta Rogers, written in the form of a Black men’s support group that the Moderator has dubbed the Little Dick Club ... are a half dozen vividly delineated characters who each take the stage with a powerfully personal testimonial. ... In transitions between these sharply drawn sharings, the Moderator leads poetic evocations of the ancestors, audience-participation deep-breathing exercises, and mindful meditations centering the body. The sum of these singular parts is a riveting synthesis of hilarious standup, healing transcendence, and brave public soul-baring.
— John Stoltenberg, DC METRO ARTS

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Thank You for Sharing is one-of-a-kind.
It is a production that lives onsite, on-camera, and online; a mobile, immersive, site-specific, digital friendly, live production. No other theatrical production exists that incorporates all these elements
in such a fun, new, dynamic way. As such, to bring this grand vision into reality,
a series of milestones need to be accomplished.
the success process

click to learn more

audiences love tyfs

Kennedy Center
Workshop Gallery & Stills

Stay in Touch!
As this amazing work continues to grow and develop, it will forever be in need your support from viewers like you! If you are interested in learning how you can join in on that development, questions about where this work will is going, or comments about the material and content you've witnessed; please don't hesitate to fill out the form below.
We value your comments, thoughts, and feedback.
As always, we appreciate your support and Thank You for Sharing!
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